Be a Disciples Advocate

Among the options for worshiping Christian communities, our denomination is unique. We are the only Christian church (Protestant or Catholic) where each week every person is welcome at the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. While other churches might practice weekly communion, everyone is not welcome. While some might welcome all, they do not practice weekly communion. We are also the first “denomination” founded on American soil. We might also be the only denomination whose President and General Minister of the US and Canada is a female. We are non-creedal: our baseline statement of faith is, “Jesus Christ is Lord!”

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has much to offer a diverse world full of people wanting to belong. I encourage every BSCC person to learn as much about Disciples as you can so you can articulate our distinctions to your neighbors and friends who might be looking for a church. Disciples are different because we want to welcome all, and we are intentional about that.

If you want to stay informed about other Disciples news, you should read The Disciples’ Advocate published quarterly by Disciples Home Missions at: For your convenience, a hardcopy is also located in the library.

Did you know that Disciples provide affordable housing for seniors through the Christian Church Homes? Visit

Did you know that Disciples offer fair trade products to help support farmers around the globe? Visit

Did you know that First Christian Church (DOC) of Forth Worth, Texas (the oldest continually operating church in Fort Worth) has opened an eye clinic as part of its ministry?

Stay connected. Be an articulate advocate for Disciples, who are serving Christ from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.